Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Off to Nazareth

After a day and a half in Haifa visiting Jewish, Christian, and Baha'i sites (more details coming later -- keep checking the blog for new posts in the past -- I'm going to write about those sites and date the posts from the days I visited them -- Monday and Tuesday -- so you might have to scroll down to find the information), I'm about to head to Nazareth -- i.e., Jesus's home town!

I'm very excited to be moving into the more specifically Christian aspects of my pilgrimage, entering the places where Jesus lived and taught, but it's also interesting to note that Nazareth is the most "Arab" town in the state of Israel and there is a sizeable Muslim population there, who apparently co-exist very peacefully with the Christian population.

Hopefully, I will be meeting with Ghassan Manasra, a Sufi Sheikh who is working on interfaith dialogue efforts in Nazareth. This will be the first of my contacts given to me from the Elijah Interfaith Institute in Jerusalem, who I contacted for information about interfaith efforts in Israel as I was planning my trip.

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